What Are the Situations When Kids Need Dental Extractions?

What Are the Situations When Kids Need Dental Extractions?

Feb 02, 2022

Dental extractions among children are the removal of a primary tooth that may have become severely damaged or affected by tooth decay. Dental extractions among children are relatively familiar, with primary molars being the most common because they are prone to cavities than the front teeth. However, front tooth extractions are straightforward because the front teeth have one root instead of multiple roots.

Primary tooth extractions are pretty standard procedures among dental extractions in Roanoke, SC, a pediatric dental facility for children. Extraction of primary teeth happens only when they are affected by severe decay or damage.

What Situations Compel Children to Undergo Dental Extractions?

The familiar reasons for primary tooth extractions are the following:

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay victimizes primary teeth to require dental extractions. Cavities develop on children’s molars because they have fragile enamel. Moreover, children are not diligent with their dental hygiene practices making their teeth prone to tooth decay. If left untreated, tooth decay in primary teeth can result in more severe oral health problems. In addition, when a primary tooth becomes infected, the bacteria can spread to other teeth to affect the emerging permanent teeth.

Trauma or Injuries

Damages can occur on primary teeth due to accidents, falls, or unsuccessful dental restorations. Primary teeth that are entirely chipped, cracked, or detached from the socket cause pain and increased sensitivity. When taken to the pediatric dentist near you, the professional determines the severity of the damage and recommends pediatric root canals and a dental crown to preserve the tooth. However, if the dentist cannot restore the damage, the tooth is extracted and replaced with a space maintainer until the permanent tooth emerges.


Children can also get affected by gingivitis, a gum inflammation resulting in bleeding, redness, and swelling in the gum tissue. Leaving gingivitis untreated ensures pediatric periodontal disease develops later. Periodontal disease is a severe oral infection affecting the gums and the jawbone. Severe periodontal teeth result in loose teeth, receding gums, and severe bleeding when eating or brushing. In addition, dental extractions become necessary if the teeth of a child don’t fall out by themselves.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth or third molars emerging as the final teeth often remain impacted below the gum line to require surgical extractions to prevent dental problems.

Similarly, over-retained primary teeth that loosen but tighten back prevent permanent teeth from emerging. Dental extractions in Roanoke, SC, recommend extracting them to allow permanent teeth to appear or prevent overcrowding if your child needs orthodontics treatment.

How Are Dental Extractions Effective?

Dental extractions are effective because they prevent dental infections from manifesting in the child’s mouth and allow them to have better-looking teeth and a beautiful smile throughout their lives. For example, overcrowding teeth cause misalignments to occur, making the child prone to dental infections, like tooth decay and gum disease. Dental extractions help the pediatric dentist utilize orthodontic appliances on the child’s teeth to straighten them.

Dental extractions are considered a last resort by every dentist, whether dealing with adults or children. Leaving dental infections untreated in the mouth aggravates the condition to cause various oral and overall health problems. Dental extractions are an effective measure against infected or damaged teeth that are not repairable and likely to cause problems if left in the mouth.

Precautions after Dental Extractions

Your child will experience moderate pain after dental extractions. However, the occurrence is entirely normal, and they return to regular activities within a few days. Dentists recommend the following to manage the pain and symptoms during your child’s recovery.

  • Pediatric dentists recommend not removing the gauze pad placed over the extraction site for three to four hours to enable blood clot formation.
  • You must ensure your child doesn’t spit vigorously, rinse their mouth, or use straws for drinking liquids because these actions can dislodge the blood clot. Dislodging the blood clot results in painful conditions that require treatment from the emergency pediatric dentist in Roanoke. Therefore you must refrain your child from indulging in the habits discussed.
  • Your child can have painkillers and antibiotics recommended by the dentist according to the dosage.
  • Do not encourage your child to have sticky and hard foods immediately following dental extractions. Instead, let them have soft foods like mashed potatoes, smoothies, cooked vegetables et cetera.
  • Permit your child to brush and floss their teeth, ensuring they remain cautious around the extraction site.

Using these precautions after dental extractions ensures your child’s recovery proceeds smoothly. If your child experiences any problems from the dental extractions like severe pain or infections after a few days, do not hesitate to contact Dr. Christelle Rodriguez for advice on managing the issue.

Dental extractions among children are pretty standard, but if you are concerned about them or your kid needs teeth removed, please contact Kids First Dental — Roanoke for the procedure and any further advice you need.

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