Children Also Need Help from Emergency Dentistry

Children Also Need Help from Emergency Dentistry

Jul 01, 2021

If you want your kids to maintain good oral health, you must educate them about maintaining excellent oral hygiene besides scheduling six-monthly visits with a pediatric dentist to evaluate their oral health. However, dental emergencies aren’t predictable and put you in a conundrum unless you prepare for it ahead of time. In addition, whenever your child reports any dental trauma, the information is often distressing, causing stress and anxiety in you.

You may think brushing and flossing are adequate to keep your child’s dental health in excellent condition. However, when you can’t anticipate any dental emergencies in children because you think they are not vulnerable to such incidences, you will likely remain oblivious to how you can manage a dental emergency among children.

Are you aware that approximately 33 percent of American children experience some dental trauma, and a lot more experience a dental emergency? Children between 18 and 40 months and the pre-adolescent or adolescent period when sporting injuries are commonplace are times when you should be on the lookout for dental emergencies and have in your possession the contact details of the emergency dentist near you to manage any problem your child encounters.

What Are the Most Common Dental Emergencies among Children?


Toothaches are common among children of all ages. Toothaches rarely develop without a cause. You can help your child trying to identify the reason for the toothache. Food particles trapped between the teeth are the primary causes of discomfort and are dislodged by brushing and flossing. It helps if you contact dentist 24018 for assistance if your child continues to complain about the pain because it could result from tooth decay, tooth fractures, wisdom teeth eruption during adolescence, et cetera. Ignoring a toothache results in further damage to your child’s tooth, especially if the reason for the discomfort is tooth decay. Getting your child treated by an emergency dentist without delay is the best course of action you can follow.

Loose Dental Fillings

Dental fillings can come loose to cause minor discomfort in the child’s mouth. You may fear the loose filling will cause further damage to the cavity in your child’s mouth. While you are thinking in the right direction and must have the loose filling corrected as soon as possible, the situation does not need help from emergency dentistry, and you can seek help from an urgent care dentist within a couple of days of noticing the loose filling in your child’s mouth.

Knocked-out Tooth

Children returning home from school or play with a knocked-out tooth are relatively standard. In such cases, you must contact the pediatric dental office in Roanoke. Generally, pediatric dentists do not attempt to reimplant baby teeth into their sockets because the procedure causes more damage to the permanent tooth’s tooth bud, hampering its emergence. Dr. Cristelle Rodriguez considers the damage caused by the knocked-out tooth before attempting any treatment. However, if you get to the dentist within an hour of the accident with the tooth in your possession in moist condition, the dentist may attempt reimplantation.

Root Fracture

Root fractures are often caused by direct trauma and aren’t visible to the naked eye. If root fractures are suspected, dental x-rays are required to determine the precise position of the fracture and the child’s level of discomfort. After examining the child’s tooth and the pain level experienced, the dentist may recommend monitoring the tooth, treatment, or extraction in the worst-case scenario.

Injured Cheeks, Lips, and Tongue

If your child has injured the soft tissue in the mouth by accidentally biting or an impact, you can use gauze to apply pressure to the area to prevent bleeding. You can also use an ice pack on the cheeks to reduce swelling. If the bleeding doesn’t subside or becomes uncontrollable, it helps if you contact any medical professional or seek help from the emergency room nearby.

Children can encounter different dental emergencies, making it challenging for you to react by making appropriate decisions. It helps if you prepare yourself by having details of emergency pediatric dentists in your vicinity who can help deal with such situations without a great deal of stress. Keeping your child away from dental emergencies is practically impossible because of their dynamic nature or other habits. However, it doesn’t harm you to prepare yourself for dealing with pediatric dental emergencies when least expected and get the attention your child needs from an experienced dentist.

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